Thursday, 9 January 2020

Should exams disappear from schools?

Exams are not necessay ar schools, universities, at high schools... Exams are a paper, where you have to put in her, all the theory that you have studied the previous afternoon or week.
First off all, exams aren't necessary at schools because you waste time and the teacher too. When the people have exams, we have studied the last week and then, we put all the information on the paper. The teacher assases you, and the mark defines you. If you have a good mark you are a good studient, and if you have a bad mark you are a bad studient.
Secondly, in my opinion, I think that we should want a solution. For example, exams should disappear from schools, But yours parents need a mark, to knows your results. The teachers need to search another way that evaluates. For example: homeworks, exersices. kahoots...
In conclusion exams should disappear from schools because they are a necessary way that the teacher has to evaluates and you study information and in the next weel you have forgot ten.

Resultado de imagen de examenes

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