Thursday, 7 May 2020

Black Friday

-Hello my friend!
+Good morning, how are you ?
-Fine thanks and you?
+Super good, 24th will be black Friday.
-Oh my good I had completely forgotten!
+HAHAHA it's always the same.
-Will you buy anything?
+Really? I havenn't planned to give a cent.
-Why? What happened?
+If you buy something on Black Friday, you collaborate a lot with consumerism! You help this movement to be promoted.
-You must be kidding.
+I'm not kidding Thomas, consumerism makes you buy things you don't really need.
-But you can find bargains.
+Besides they do not accept returns and there are always many people.
-Mikel you're crazy hahaha
+I'm late friend, we'll talk

Resultado de imagen de blac friday