Thursday, 14 November 2019


Nowadayas, lot of people become vegetarian. Is it a good philosophy of life? We belive it is.
First of all, we should be vegetarians because it lowers risks of heart disease, obisity, diabetes... Also we can replace meat vitamins for vegetable.
Since you don't eat meat, you live on average of 8 years longer.
Secondly, the cattles emitsed granhouse gases (that are very polluting).
Half a kilogram of beef meeds to 19000 litres of water since beef is very hard, so it's the same water that you use when you have a shower.
Animals use 30% of the world's land. Vegetarians use tge world's land to plant vegetables and fruits. As a result of the don't prouce a rasing of the world's land.
Apart from all this, 50 billion animals die in pain in farms.
In conclusion we should eat more vegetables because they are healthier and this way stop animal abuse.

Resultado de imagen de vegetariano


London the capital of the U.K. It's situated in the Europen Union and it'a a big island. Nowadays 100500 people live in London.
London is famous because it has a lot monuments in the center. It has a lot museums... You can visit the Museum of Geography, the Museum of history, Palace King, the Statue of the president... You can visit a lot of things in London. You can enjoy yourself in the park, in the beach, in the cinema... The typical dish of London, the tomato soup, sandwich of chiken, cake of orange... The coustums are dance of english people, dayf 13-14 of december you can eat fish and not pork. If you go alone, you can go to the Hotel Maria (that's luxurus) and if you go with you girlfriend, your parents, friends... you can go to the Hotel London (it's very economic all and it's situated in the center).
London is famous because it has a lot of monuments, museums, it's island, the typical dishes are delicious, the center it's spectacular... If you wanbter a city you spend holidays, you must go London!

Resultado de imagen de london